
26 Temmuz 2013 Cuma

WRITTEN found near the KÖKTÜRK texts, Reading and the studies on

WRITTEN found near the KÖKTÜRK texts, Reading and the studies on
       13th Alaeddin century historian of the date-i Ata Malik İlhanlı by Cihângüşâ'yı Cüveynî tells Köktürk saw written texts. Cüveynî, Orkhon Uighur legend as the place in which they spoke of the shore of the river. In this place the river bank of the Orkhon Cüveynî'nin mentions the word. Cüveynî'nin sözünüettiği Karabalgasun'dur this place. Karabalgasun seen inscriptions inscriptions.
Again, talk about Ibn ArabşahKöktürk letters. 15th written in the first half of the century 'Acâibü'l Makdûr Fi Nevâib-i Teymur' writings in his book says that the Turks called dülbercin. These articles consisted of 41 letters. This is the reason so many letters die: Turks thick and thin capitalization counts separates the marks. Conclusion additions and appendices consist of letters.
Yenisey inscriptions mentioning the West for the first time traveler and orientalist novel Milescu'dur Nicolaie Gavrilovic. The Russian ambassador to China, and we have seen the way Yenisey log stated that the rock inscriptions. Mayor Amesterdam Yenisey inscriptions mentioning Nicolaes Witsen'dir second. North and East of Tatarstan in Russia, which was written during the long Seyhat on a rock on the anonymous letters spoke of his work. So how Yenisey inscriptions were found.
Sın days of the year 1721. Watered by the river Yenisei in Abakan young doctor and the young officer, a map is a result of his research. German scholar Daniel Gattlieb Meserchimidt doctor, a young officer, Captain Johann Philipp von Strahlenberg'dir Tabbert. Young researchers continue to research and higher income on the Kazakh side of a peasant Messerschmidt'in refers to some of the stones. Young doctor mentioned somewhere at the intersection of east longitude 53.5 degrees north latitude and 20.3 meters high, where 90.5 italic sees a stone. This stone inscription of the third Uybat. Researchers continue to research the discovery of this stone and a stone statue along the news that people still take a Kazakh villager.
1 Balikesir University, Faculty of Science, Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Department of Modern Turkish Language. Balikesir, 2012.
     Here is 1.76 meters high, facing the east side is the statue of the old man with a mustache. Second stone inscription was discovered in the Yenisey-Tes.
Captain Johann bondage Tabbert'in life ends and returns to his hometown in Sweden. Looks forward to the publication of his friend Messerschimidt'in notes. But neither notes nor Messerschimidt'ten of news published. J. Messerschimidt'ten get news Tabbert, famous for his work in 1730 in Stockholm Nord und Das radiate Östliche Teil von Europa und Asia. In this work, the two kıyılarınd On Stone Yenisey single row on a mirror and metal articles are kopyalarıda. This publication has been certified and naturally draws the attention of the Western scientific world. Will be submitted to the realm of science so that these faceless yzı on stones. Now that the various estimates and Theories of European scholars begin playback. According to some articles that the old Prussians, or, according to some ancient Greek and Romans, the Goths reserved. J. T. That they felt that the Scythian Strahlenberg post. According to pre-Asian culture and language specialist articles Celtic yazısıydı Theophil Bayer. 18th sciences, and of course a great scholar of the century explorer Peter Simon Palas seyhatnamesinde published in 1793, found that 4 Uybat'ta And 5 has included a copy of the stones. G. Spasskiy Siberia in 1818, and here publishes his book Notes on the Old Works introduces two new text, has many of the text in the image. Olaus Orientalist G. Got Tychsen writing papers argued that in the same year. Abel Remusat, their inscriptions could not say that of the Turks and where they live. Got the origin of these inscriptions belong to the Usunlara by Abel. Spasskiy not live in the Turks say here, might be argued that the inscriptions of the Mongol or Kalmuks. Rommel thought that these articles could be Scythian origin. However orientalist J. Heinrich Klaproth Turkish inscriptions could be adopted in 1824. J. R. Turcologist well-known Finnish M. Aarne with abscess Of the 1870s and 1880s that the inscriptions Tallgren Huns, Turks and Mongols spread among argued. A Finnish delegation headed by Aspelin time in 1888 before the CAA has set out towards Altaylara inscriptions Kul Das then went off, and finally it is the longest of those so far discovered inscription of 12 lines Elegest. Üyük Arhan, Uyug Tarlag, Tuba inscriptions returns after finding new discoveries in Finland in Helsinki in 1889, a new study of old copies of the discoveries mukemml emitted Inscriptions et de I'lenissei recueillies publiees par la societefinlandaise d'archeologie (Archaeological Society of Finland collected and published Yenisey Inscriptions). This copy of the inscription has been involved in prose Yenisey 32.
     Unutlarını excites scholars and raises new news in 1889. Coğrafyasu Russian scientific expedition by the Department of East Siberia and Mongolia delegation sent to the ethnographer and journalist Nikolai M. bşında Yadrintsev, while at the same faceless Moğolistan'd research article found with the larger stones. N. M. Yadrintsev July 18, 1889, the holy lands watered by the Orkhon River, 400 km to the west of Ulan Bator'un PPP-from tea lake near the intersection of east longitude 47.5 degrees north latitude 103 tortoise lying next to a similar 3.75 meters tall stone statue serves as a monument. Bengü That turned out to be the cornerstone of the monument Kul Tigin. Divided into three parts, and one km distance away than a monument found buried in sand stone bengü if it belongs to the Bilge Kagan.
Yadrintsev'in report published in Russian in the same year, now translated into English and French and European scientific circles heard the news. In 1890, an archaeological congress in moscow Finnish scholars have heard the news. Philologist and ethnographer Axel O. Finns on this news Mongolia, referred to a committee chaired by Heikel'in. 15 May 1890, the Board acted, and returned in June 1891. Russians W. Mongolia sent a delegation headed by Radloff knowledge. The Board acted in the spring of 1891, and has worked for two months in Mongolia. Radloff built in Beijing, Chinese translation of texts and by sea St. Returned to Petersburg. Journey in 1892 as a result of both delegations at neşeredilmiştir. Inscriptions de l'Orkhon (Orkhon Inscriptions), Helsingfors, 1892, and Atlas der der Alterthümer Mongolie (Ancient monuments Atlas of Mongolia), St. Petersburg in 1892.
The presence of stones bengü hook and Bige Kul Khan, the text helps scholars trying to solve. There is a Chinese version of the western facade of the two bengü stone. Read this text is translated and understood by Orkhun monuments. W. Radloff is working on at the time, and the Uighur Turks mysterious letter left Kutadgu Bilig writings attempted to find the key. Another scholar Thomsen in Copenhagen in trying to discover the key to the mysterious writings.
       Thomsen, Kul and Bilge Kagan tegin similar texts, taking advantage of its' moments of the rows are sorted from right to left. Finally, the most commonly used word is marked with signs, especially in the middle of the three sides of the same sign three of them breaks down thinking it would be audible signal. Accurately predicts both i, o / u. But in fact he / ü is mistaken in saying to the third. So it is a dead end. The Turkish party starts to search for the names of Chinese texts. Chinese text, the names of the Turkish people as well as other sources of China is still incomprehensible. Still, the words are often names of people thinking that the monuments will continue to research. Yenisey inscriptions pursues the last four-letter word. In the end he finds that the word is the word of God. Now the hands t, n, r are the letters. The other is a Turkish word, the very last another bird / Kul finds that. So everything has been easy.
Kul has to act now and 19 January 1894 tegin Radloff'ta Memorial neşretmiştir 50 copies. Der Die Alttürkischen Mongoloi Inschriften. I. Das Denkmal zu Ehren des Prinzen Kultegin. Radloff monuments of the same year, PPP-tea, released in three fascicles. Then all of them in one volume suppressed. This skin is part of the description, and consisted of text. The second volume index and the writings of the Chinese sections were located. If the skin of the last corrections, additions and notes next to the Yenisey inscriptions have also been published for the first time. Thomsen's work has been in full-text. VILH Dechiffrees par de l'Orkhon Inscriptions.

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